Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rosaura Andreu, American actress died she was , 92

 Rosaura Andreu was an Texan Born actress who found wide fame in Puerto Rico as a children's television show host.

(1 January 1918 - 21 November 2010) 

Andreu, who was a struggling actress in her country, left Cuba after the revolution, arriving in Puerto Rico during the Puerto Rican television's formation era. She became known to the children television viewers in such programs as Romper Room con Berta and others.

During the 1970s, she became widely famous across her adopted island when the public television channel, WIPR-TV, started showing her show, El show de Titi Chagua. As Titi Chagua (Auntie Chagua), she earned the hearts of many Puerto Rican children, including many who had been born during that decade and had no knowledge of her previous work. As a matter of a fact, after a few years doing that show, she began to lose her personal identity; many fans would forget her real name and call her Titi Chagua at public places, fact which she appreciated.
The show had tough competition, such as WRIK / WLUZ's Sandra Zaiter show, WAPA-TV's El Show de Pacheco (with Joaquin Monserrat as Pacheco) and WKAQ-TV's El show del Tio Nobel. The four main children's shows in Puerto Rico at that era were shown at the same hour every weekday, to compete against each other (El Show de Tio Nobel also had Saturday and Sunday morning editions).
Nevertheless, Andreu's show stayed on the air until the middle 1980s, when WLUZ was sold and relaunched as WSTE in 1987.
Andreu remained friend of Monserrate until his death in 1996. She remains friends with Sandra Zaiter and with Nobel Vega (Tio Nobel), who now lives in Miami, Florida. They all agreed that their mission was to bring Puerto Rican children family oriented television shows, a point of view which allowed them to be friends despite the fact they competed against each other on television.
Retired from show business for a long time, Andreu currently lives comfortably in Orlando, Florida, and occasionally returns to Puerto Rico to re-enact her Titi Chagua character for television specials, fund raisers or other activities.
Living relatives in the United States are: Edgar Jose Avila,(Nephew and,Son Of Jose Arturo Avila) Nidia del pilar Avila Uzcategui, Jose Gregorio Avila, Myriam Mayela Avila, Edgar Michael Avila.

[edit] Death

Andreu died November 21, 2010, at the age of 92, at her home in Orlando, Florida.[1]

To see more of who died in 2010 click here

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