Friday, May 20, 2011

Joe Bageant, American writer, social critic and political commentator, died from cancer he was , 64.

 Joe Bageant was an American author and columnist known for his book Deer Hunting With Jesus  died from cancer he was , 64. Bageant was originally raised in Winchester, Virginia. He left Winchester and worked as a journalist and editor. In 2001, Bageant moved back to Winchester.


In Deer Hunting With Jesus: Dispatches From America's Class War Bageant discusses how Democrats have lost the political support of poor rural whites and how the Republican Party has convinced these individuals to vote against their own economic self-interest. The book is mainly centered on his hometown, Winchester.
In 2010, Bageant published a similarly themed book, Rainbow Pie: A Redneck Memoir, ISBN 978-1846272578. Bageant used his extended family’s post WW II years experience to describe the social hierarchy in the United States of America. The book examines the post-war journey of 22 million rural Americans into the cities, where they became, the author argues, the foundation of a permanent white underclass and comprise much of today’s heartland “red state” voters.
Bageant frequently appeared as a commentator on radio and television internationally, and wrote a progressive online column distributed to hundreds of blogs and websites. He maintained his own blog, called Joe Bageant, and also served as a roving honorary editor with Cyrano's Journal Today and The Greanville Post, two sites devoted to progressive political and media analyses.
On January 4, 2011, Bageant announced on his web site that he had been "struck down by an extremely serious form of cancer" which was inoperable and was unable to engage in correspondence or his usual work, but hoped to be able to resume them in the future.[2]
On March 27, 2011, it was announced on his website that he had died on March 26 following "a vibrant life" and a four-month struggle with cancer. [3]


To see more of who died in 2010 click here

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